EP series supply and install the Emergi-Lite EP pictogram Exit sign. The equipment shall operate with universal 2-wire AC input voltage of 120 to 347VAC at less than 2.5W and universal 2-wire DC input voltage from 6 to 24VDC at 1W consumption for single and double face signs. The sign shall come standard with a canopy and shall be suitable for wall, end, or ceiling mounting. The frame, faceplates, back plate and canopy shall each be constructed of a one-piece UV-stabilized thermoplastic material colored factory white. The light source shall be white light-emitting diodes (LED) and shall provide even illumination in normal and emergency operation. The equipment in a Self-Powered configuration shall use a sealed nickel-cadmium battery of 2.4V nominal voltage. The equipment shall recharge the battery in 24 hours and stay illuminated at least two hours upon AC failure. The pictogram Exit Sign shall be listed to the CSA 22.2 No.141-10 standard.